Gossip Herald


World Tobacco Day: nicotine dangers and solutions

Smoking is injurious to health and one should get rid of it as observed on World Tobacco Day

Zainab Nasir

World Tobacco Day: nicotine dangers and solutions

Smoking is injurious to health and one should get rid of it as observed on World Tobacco Day

World Tobacco Day: nicotine dangers and solutions
World Tobacco Day: nicotine dangers and solutions 

May 31 marks world tobacco day  which highlights the adverse effects of smoking and the drive to quit.

The statistics gathered by the Word Health organization prove that 267 million adults in India make use of tobacco.

A single cigarette can hamper the whole system with critical disorders like: 

1) Respiratory diseases  which include symptoms like  difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing , bronchitis and even lung cancer. 

2) Heart attacks  and strokes  can pose high risk due to excessive smoking  in turn damaging the blood vessels, artery block and valve disease.  

3) Lung Cancer is  most  common and prevalent in individuals who smoke daily, but it can also directly inflame the throat, esophagus, the bladder, kidneys and pancreas. 

4)Smoking causes the overall  deterioration in health  with premature wrinkles and dryness, tooth and gum infections, cataracts  as well as arthritis. 

First and foremost if cigar lovers want to   prevent themselves from harm  they should  get rid of the habit by force and consult a doctor for regular checkups but if   quitting becomes a pain  then seek support  of a specialist and  work on  a solution. 

During this time, nicotine lovers  must resort to gain some motivation from non-smoker friends who could knock some sense and  make you mentally strong. 

The smokers should  replace the after-effects   with  healthy habits  like workout, breathing and  relaxation that could reduce  the   malignance. 

For the unversed, cigarettes' are not the only form  of smoking  as vape and hookah cause equal danger. 

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