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Weekly Horoscope Virgo: 25 February - 03 March 2023

Weekly Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Virgo urges to keep your mind at ease

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Weekly Horoscope Virgo: 25 February - 03 March 2023

Weekly Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Virgo urges to keep your mind at ease

Weekly Horoscope Virgo: 25 February - 03 March 2023
Weekly Horoscope Virgo: 25 February - 03 March 2023


Aug-24 / Sep-23

As the Moon travels through the 12th house, it's important to keep your mind at ease and not let any baseless fears creep in. Your anxiety can be triggered by negative thinking, and so you’ll need mental fortitude to combat it.

During this transit, students will have the motivation and stamina to devote themselves fully to their studies and make significant progress towards their educational goals. Personal time and energy will have to be sacrificed because of emotional involvement at work. Someone who works in the creative field has the potential to create a masterpiece.

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