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Weekly Horoscope Libra: 04 February - 10 February

Weekly Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Libra predicts ups and downs in professional life

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Weekly Horoscope Libra: 04 February - 10 February

Weekly Horoscope of Zodiac Sign Libra predicts ups and downs in professional life

Weekly Horoscope Libra: 04 February - 10 February
Weekly Horoscope Libra: 04 February - 10 February


Sep-24 / Oct-23

This week at work, you need to proceed with caution. It's possible that you and your employer won't agree on something, which will lead to an argument that could have been avoided. Due to the planetary alignment, your professional life may have ups and downs.

If you're looking to further your education, the full Moon in the 11th house is on your side, and your slick speech will help you make important connections in your industry. The Moon's beneficent energy will assist you in winning over your workplace adversaries, smoothing your path to success and bringing you closer to your ambitions.

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